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pessoas sentadas numa feira de educação

The Polytechnic of Lisbon is present at the European Association for International Education-EAIE Barcelona 2022, considered the largest Education event in Europe, whose 32 th edition of 2022 runs between 13 and September 16. IPL is one of the 23 Portuguese higher education institutions, participants in the stand Study and Research in Portugal.

The pro-president of the IPL for Internationalization and Cooperation, Fernando Melício and the coordinator of the Office of International Relations and Academic Mobility, Cristina Marques, represent the Polytechnic of Lisbon in the certame, which brings together, for the first time since the start of pandemic Covid-19 the European sector of higher education. It is more than 6000 participating professionals coming from 95 countries.


dois homens de pé numa feira
Da esq.ª para a dt.ª: secretário de Estado do Ensino Superior e o pró-presidente do IPL


  The Secretary of State for Higher Education, Pedro Nuno Teixeira, visited the stand dedicated to Portuguese participation, under the responsibility of Erasmus + Agency and welcomed the IES for the effort and work done towards the consolidation of internationalization of higher education.

The Polytechnic of Lisbon marks, once again, presence in international certames, with the aim of potentiating new forms of international collaboration, following the one that is a strategic axis of development of the institution-the internationalization.

The EAIE Barcelona 2022 relies on a focused program in the future that includes training activities, workshops, seminars and conferences. With the theme 'The future in full colour', which relies on relief speakers, the aim is to stimulate discussion on how to bring Higher Education forward as a sector, at an international level, and address the challenges of an increasingly global world.

The EAIE, founded in 1989, takes on itself as the European centre of knowledge, networking and resources in the internationalization of higher education. Every year it runs in a large European city. In 2023 the certame will take place in Rotterdam in the Netherlands.


