- Arts
Lisbon Theatre and Film School
- Business Sciences
Lisbon Accounting and Business School
- Administration and Public Financial Management
- Accounting and Public Management
- Corporate Communication, Sustainability and Citizenship
- Communication
School of Communication and Media Studies
- Branding and Content Marketing
- Communication and Marketing in the Pharmaceutical Industry
- Corporate Communication, Sustainability and Citizenship
- Creative Industries: Management and Trends
- Marketing and Data Science
- Sports Journalism
- Storytelling
- Education
Lisbon School of Education
- Design of Interactive Products for Education
- Digital Education
- Early childhood education in nursery and other equipment for children from 0 to 3 years
- Inclusive Pedagogy
- Maths Didactics – learning and resources
- Puppetry and Animated Forms
- Bringing Stories to Life
- Engineering
Lisbon School of Engineering
- Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Buildings
- Renewable Energy Engineering and Management
- Railway Engineering
- Mathematics for Data Science
- New Trends in Applied Acoustics and Audio
- Optoelectronics and Photonics Engineering
- Advanced Manufactoring Processes
- Design and Maintenance of Electrical Facilities
- Health Sciences
Lisbon School of Health Technology
- Health Data Science
- Molecular Oncobiology Advances Applied to Diagnosis and Treatment
- Communication and Marketing in the Pharmaceutical Industry (in association with ESCS)