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U!REKA aims to deepen collaboration through application to the European Universities Initiative (EUI)

dezenas de membros da instituições de ensino superior entre as quais o IPL

The consortium Urban Research and Education Knowledge Alliance (U!REKA), which brings together 7 European higher education institutions, among which the Politecnico of Lisbon, is preparing an application to the European Universities Initiative, which supports the implementation of projects of European higher education institutions (IES), totalling 384 million.   The application, which will be submitted by the end of January 2023, intends to contribute to the carbionic neutrality objectives defined by the European Union.

The candidacy's manifest can be consulted online on the UREKApage.

Fernando Melician, pros-president of the Lisbon Polytechnic for Internationalization and Cooperation, believes that the European Universities Initiative is very important for IPL, because it " represents a green light on the part of the European Commission that indicates that we are in the right direction, towards a more democratic, inclusive European Union and concerned about environmental issues. Simultaneously, this   initiative   is an opportunity to increase funding for all the activities developed by the U!REKA".

U!REKA will contribute to achieving the European Union's targets for Smart Cities and with carbonic neutrality

Since 2019, the year it was constituted, the network U!REKA has already submitted two applications   to the initiative of the European Union.
A U!REKA is committed to the goal of supporting local cities and ecosystems, through education, research, development and innovation, that enable the realization of the ambitious goals of the European Union to reach 100 smart cities with carbionic neutrality by 2030 and, in a broader context, by 2050. In the 100 cities chosen for this target, they include 5, in which are located IES from U!REKA: Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Espoo, Helsinki and Lisbon.
Extending a process for the auscultation of stakeholders, which enables the development of an application that responds to the needs of the different stakeholders, all members of the Polytechnic of Lisbon community can send their contributions by the October 31, 2022, to

About the U!REKA

The ambitions of the consortium U!REKA settlers in the identity and goals that bring together partners in order to empower students and trainees with necessary competencies for working life. The responsibility regarding the ecosystems is at the heart of all the actions of U!REKA and is patent, either in education or in Research and Development. Future professionals will contribute to a more inclusive and cross-cultural Europe. The U!REKA commits to strengthening the quality and visibility of European professional education in the global talent market.

Partners u!REKA

Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands)
Edinburgh Napier University (United Kingdom)
HOGENT University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Belgium)
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (Germany)
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences (Finland)
VSB-Technical University of Ostrava (Czech Republic)
Polytechnic of Lisbon (Portugal)