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combo de jazz

The Auditorium Vianna da Motta of the Superior School of Music of Lisbon (ESML) was the stage, the May 5, of the Spring Concerto, evocative of the 35 years of the Erasmus +program, having, too, pointed out the 39 years of the artistic school of the Lisbon Polytechnic. To celebrate the epheméride, the domestic and foreign students studying at the IPL have prepared an international snack with typical dishes from the countries of origin.


lanche internacional


The ESML Jazz Combo constituted by the students Alvaro Pinto, José Manuel Cavaco, Gonçalo Naia and Francisco Gomes played works by John Coltrane, Herbie Hancock, Jimmy McHugh and George Fragos, with the technical support of the graduation team in Music Technologies, guided by professor Sérgio Henriques.


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No end of the concert, the international snack, which involved the participation of about 60 domestic and foreign students, gave way to a convivid abroad of the Higher School of Music of Lisbon, with the presence of the President of the IPL, Elmano Margato, vices and pro-presidents, members of the direction of some of the Schools, faculty and technical, administrative and managerial staff.

Flickr photos from the Concerto de Primavera ERASMUS+ album.

Concerto de Primavera ERASMUS+ by Politécnico de Lisboa

Concerto de Primavera ERASMUS+ by Politécnico de Lisboa uploaded on 06 May 2022

Concerto de Primavera ERASMUS+ by Politécnico de Lisboa

Concerto de Primavera ERASMUS+ by Politécnico de Lisboa uploaded on 06 May 2022

Concerto de Primavera ERASMUS+ by Politécnico de Lisboa

Concerto de Primavera ERASMUS+ by Politécnico de Lisboa uploaded on 06 May 2022

Concerto de Primavera ERASMUS+ by Politécnico de Lisboa

Concerto de Primavera ERASMUS+ by Politécnico de Lisboa uploaded on 06 May 2022

Concerto de Primavera ERASMUS+ by Politécnico de Lisboa

Concerto de Primavera ERASMUS+ by Politécnico de Lisboa uploaded on 06 May 2022

Concerto de Primavera ERASMUS+ by Politécnico de Lisboa

Concerto de Primavera ERASMUS+ by Politécnico de Lisboa uploaded on 06 May 2022

Concerto de Primavera ERASMUS+ by Politécnico de Lisboa

Concerto de Primavera ERASMUS+ by Politécnico de Lisboa uploaded on 06 May 2022

Concerto de Primavera ERASMUS+ by Politécnico de Lisboa

Concerto de Primavera ERASMUS+ by Politécnico de Lisboa uploaded on 06 May 2022

Concerto de Primavera ERASMUS+ by Politécnico de Lisboa

Concerto de Primavera ERASMUS+ by Politécnico de Lisboa uploaded on 06 May 2022

Concerto de Primavera ERASMUS+ by Politécnico de Lisboa

Concerto de Primavera ERASMUS+ by Politécnico de Lisboa uploaded on 06 May 2022

See photo gallery on Flickr


Photos and video from DS/GCI IPL