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European Commission approves European University U!REKA SHIFT


The application submitted by the Urban Research and Education Knowledge Alliance (U!REKA) to the European Universities Initiative (EUI), named UREKA!SHIFT has been selected by the European Commission for funding in the 2023 European Universities Initiative (EUI) contest.

The decision of the European Commission allows the consortium U!REKA, of which the Polytechnic of Lisbon is a part of, founding a European University Alliance, officially co-financed by Erasmus +, within an extended network of partners with a common vision in the field of carbonic neutrality. Out of the 65 applications received, 20 alliances were selected, involving more than 250 higher education institutions.

The result comes from the candidacy carried out by the U!REKA, in January of this year, told EUI 2023 call, which aims to achieve an ambitious collaboration between networks of institutions and external partners chosen from among local ecosystems. On the official website of the European Commission, it was released that "European Universities are transnational alliances that will pave the way for the universities of the future, promoting European values and identity and revolutionizing the quality and competitiveness of European higher education".

The candidacy, titled U!REKA SHIFT-Sustainable, Human, Inclusive, Future-proof Transition has the purpose of establishing a long-term strategic and structural collaboration that integrates education and research at a European University, having as a focus, contributing to sustainable development, human transition, inclusive and prepared for the future of smart and neutral cities in the Climate.

Being a consortium of universities of applied sciences, this consortium is more practice-oriented and presents a strong interplay between teaching, practice and research. The goals are fully aligned with the European Strategy for higher education institutions, with the goals of the European Ecological Pact and with the EU's mission on 100 Smart Cities and Neutras in Climate.

About the U!REKA

The ambitions of the U! consortiumREKA settlers in the identity and goals that bring together partners in order to empower students and trainees with necessary competencies for working life. The responsibility regarding the ecosystems is at the heart of all the U's actions!REKA and is patent, either in education or in Research and Development. Future professionals will contribute to a more inclusive and cross-cultural Europe. The U!REKA commits to strengthening the quality and visibility of European professional education in the global talent market.

Partners U!REKA

Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands)
Edinburgh Napier University (United Kingdom)
HOGENT University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Belgium)
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (Germany)
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences (Finland)
VSB-Technical University of Ostrava (Czech Republic)
Polytechnic of Lisbon (Portugal)