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Estudante do IPL eleita vice-presidente do Conselho de Estudantes da U!REKA

Following the approval of the statutes of the Students Council of the U!REKA European University, the first meeting of this governing body, whose purpose is to represent students in the activities of the European Alliance, took place on the sidelines of U!REKA Connects 2024.

Susana Campos, a student from the Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL) of the Polytechnic University of Lisbon (IPL), was elected vice-president of the Students Council, while Frantisek Franz, representing the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, took over as president.

The student representatives from VSB - Technical University of Ostrava and HOGENT University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Martin Václavík and Sukhpreet Singh, respectively, will be part of the Steering Committee.

For Susana Campos, "It's gratifying to see the trust that the members of the student community of this alliance place in IPL. Holding a management position on this U!REKA body is the result of the excellent associative work that the Polytechnic University of Lisbon has and promotes. Being present and represented in these initiatives allows us to build a unifying European perspective and improve the direction of the institution. Learning from other students and providing insights into our current panorama is giving us the skills to train more and more excellent professionals."

Over the next 4 years of the European University's implementation, the Student Council will promote the active participation of this body of the academic community in the alliance's activities.

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