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Ace Camp

Elapses in the days 19, 20, 21 and May 24 the ACE Camp-formative action of the Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program of the Polytechnic of Lisbon. It is intended to foster entrepreneurial spirit, creative and collaborative work and the empowerment of participants to exercise active economic citizenship, which can contribute to the employability and sustainable development of the country. The number of vacancies is limited. Subscriptions until May 17

Given the circumstances in which we live the sessions are going to be exclusively online.

Participans will be entitled to the issuance of participation certificates and the winners of the Pitch are awarded monetary prizes and honorable mentions, as well as credits to access Amazon Web Services contents.

1 premium-300 €
2. premium-200 €
3. th premium-100 €

The complete program can be consulted at 

The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.

The inscriptions can be held up to day May 17 at 

The ACE CAMP is organized by the Polytechnic of Lisbon, by the Academic Federation of IPL (FAIPL) and the Academy of Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship Of Lisbon Polytechnic.

The initiative has as its partners: Amazon Web Services; bten; Bold by devoteam; Indico-Capital Partners; Poliemployende.

The number of vacancies available for the ACE Camp 2021 is limited.