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saúde e bem-estar

Health and Well-Being


In 2014, IPL implemented the Occupational Health Service (SSO-IPL) in close coordination with ESTeSL. While complying with legislation in force regarding the health and safety of IPL workers, the SSO-IPL also ensures occupational health activities for different institutions that employ the services of IPL.

This service has a multidisciplinary team composed of Occupational Physicians, Occupational Health Nurses, a Psychologist, a Senior Clinical Secretariat Technician, Work Safety Technicians, Emergency and First Aid Trainers, and Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technicians in the areas of Clinical Analysis, Audiology, Cardiopulmonology and Orthoptics.

Other activities promoting health and well-being aimed at the entire academic community are also carried out, with a special focus on students, and several initiatives in this area are promoted, namely the PASS-IPL – Healthy and Sustainable Eating Programme of IPL.