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For IPL entrepreneurship is part of its training project and a way to boost the economy and as such it is home to a long tradition of cooperation with the business fabric and society, in finding answers to new challenges in the areas of Arts, Education, Business Sciences, Communication, Engineering, and Health Sciences.

By participating in several collaborative networks, IPL promotes the development of projects with companies and public entities, while seeking to stimulate entrepreneurial initiatives and support the launch of start-ups, to value the results of developed research.

ACE - Academy for Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship, promoted by IPL, aims to encourage the entrepreneurial spirit and enable students to develop initiatives that present solutions to existing challenges and needs, as demanded by the Portuguese economy and society. Every year, training actions and an ideas contest – ACE Challenge – are promoted, and the winners participate in Born From Knowledge, the national competition for higher education, an initiative of ANI – Agência Nacional de Inovação.