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imagem de cinco estudantes internacionais

Living IPL


At the beginning of each school year, Lisbon Polytechnic welcomes the more than 2500 students entering the 1st year of graduation, where international students are included. This is a way to promote the integration of  new students into the academic community and make known the dimension of the institution.

This initiative, arising out of a partnership between the Polytechnic of Lisbon, the FAIPL-Academic Federation of IPL and the Student Associations, includes welcome messages, musical moments and catering.


Welcome IPL

At the beginning of each school year, Lisbon Polytechnic welcomes the more than 2500 students entering the 1st year of graduation, where international students are included. This is a way to promote the integration of  new students into the academic community and make known the dimension of the institution.

This initiative, arising out of a partnership between the Polytechnic of Lisbon, the FAIPL-Academic Federation of IPL and the Student Associations, includes welcome messages, musical moments and catering.


Student Associations

In each Organic Unit there is a Student Association, responsible for representing the students of the insitution, defending their interests with the management bodies and promoting sports and leisure activities.



The Academic Federation of the IPL aims to increasingly bring the Student Associations and the students of the Lisbon Polytechnic closer together. The defence of the interests and rights of students and Student Associations, further training of associative leaders, increasing formative quality, intervention in the various educational policy bodies, a great spirit of solidarity, the promotion of cultural, sporting activities and an improvement of social action services, are the priority of this associative structure.

Thus, IPL students and IPL Student Associations can rely on FAIPL for an increasingly appealing polytechnic education and a Polytechnic with optimal conditions for higher education in Portugal.



The IPL's Social Action Services, along with the food units, ensure the supply of meals to the students who attend the Organic Units of the IPL.

The standard meal, served in the food units, is composed of soup, main course (a choice of meat, fish or lacto-ovo vegetarian), dessert (fruit, sweet or yogurt ), drink (a glass of juice, milk, water or tea) and bread.



Each Organic Unit has a Library, in which to consult the bibliography for each disciplinary area. These spaces provide scientific, pedagogical and research support in the fields of information and documentation. Their mission is to proceed with the collection, treatment, organization, diffusion and preservation of information resources.


CLiC IPL - Centre for Languages and Culture

The Centre for Languages and Culture of Lisbon Polytechnic, CLiC-IPL, is a unit of the IPL, unincorporated, giving pedagogical, cultural, scientific, and service-providing support, in specific areas. The CLiC-IPL mission is to organize language courses, complementary to the  IPL courses, and the promotion of complementary cultural activities, in conjunction with the IPL's Organic Units.

The CLiC IPL organizes Portuguese Language courses in two modalities: intensive courses held before the start of the semester or normal courses held during the semester requiring an  annuity payment.