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Outside Europe


Lisbon Polytechnic has a tradition of sharing and cooperation with several higher education institutions outside Europe, notably in the USA, China, Brazil and Latin America, allowing students to study and take up internships under a regime of exchange mobility.

In addition to the European Union, the IPL has protocols with Brazil, Portuguese Speaking African Countries (PALOP), such as Cape Verde, Angola and Mozambique; and the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries (CPLP), such as Timor-Leste and Macau.

The institution also has cooperation and exchange protocols with higher education institutions in Latin America, North America, Central America, and Asia.
Within the framework of the exchange agreements, students are exempt from paying tuition fees at the host institution, maintaining payment only in the institution of origin.

Other expenses resulting from the mobility period (travel, accommodation and health insurance for example ) are the responsibility of the student.
Lisbon Polytechnic does not provide a scholarship grant for this type of mobility.