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Internationalization, as a way to integrate the intercultural dimension in teaching, research, and services of the institution, is a strategic pillar of development at IPL.

The internationalization policy of IPL is fundamentally based on three aspects: student and staff mobility; an increase in the number of international students enrolled full-time in the 1st and 2nd cycle courses; and continuous commitment to partnerships with European HEIs, in Portuguese-speaking countries and the rest of the world, through participation in international research networks or bilateral cooperation.

Demand for IPL as a mobility destination has been growing, with a training offer in English in all its units as well as training in Portuguese as a foreign language, which means an investment in the dissemination of the Portuguese language in the world through its specialized resources in the area of language teaching.

IPL aims to contribute to form citizens who are both knowledgeable of the world and civically active, prepared to live and work in the global market.